A redesign project for the sole purpose of challenging my understanding of user interface design.
The idea to create "Upstream" a fictitious fishing brand, came from viewing many major bait & tackle warehouse websites and mobile apps. While some retailers do have excellent web and mobile interfaces, most websites do not. As someone who is inspired by the outdoors, enjoys a great weekend catch and creates opportunities to hone my design skills, this project was an all around blast.

Creating an elegant, user-friendly mobile app takes time and research. After reviewing the consumer demographics of most fishing retail websites and mobile applications, I was able to formulate a user-flow that targets older, outdoor focused shoppers that aren't interested in spending precious time on apps that they could be spending outdoors.
This research affected my design process, as it encouraged me to use easy to read fonts, colors and focus on not having a cluttered architecture for the app. While you won't be lost in awe and wonder by the mobile app, you'll be able to intuitively navigate each page.